'Adsense'에 해당되는 글 4건

  1. 2009.05.16 Watch Youtube to donate... The JumbaFund !!! by Dansoonie
  2. 2008.10.05 Google Adsense PIN 도착하다 !!! 2 by Dansoonie
  3. 2008.08.26 여러분 감사합니다~ 4 by Dansoonie
  4. 2008.02.22 AdSense로 수익을 창출하자~ by Dansoonie
한글판 더보기 클릭 !!!

A lot of jobs are disappearing these days due to the advancements in robotics: people are being replaced by automated machines. However, smart people started to find different ways to earn money. Have you heard about the fourth wave? Yup, it's the information age all right, and people are looking for opportunities to make money by providing information and services via the Internet.

It's been a while since blogging got all so popular and professional bloggers who blog for a living by earning money through their sponsors and putting up advertisements on their blogs started to emerge on the WWW(World Wide Web).

I suppose the blogging business has now become the red ocean. Why? Google made it is easy to create income through hosting advertisement on your web site by starting a service called Adsense. And now there are more services similar to Adsense. The appearance of such services initiated the blogging era, I guess. Today, almost everybody has a blog(of course myself). Blog is now more like a personal web site. Whether it is for their own use, or sharing information, it's in fact logging on the web for either case. So, blog, personal web site? What's the difference? As long as your personal web side provides means to subscribe the contents through rss feed, then it's a blog. Anyway, my point is, everybody started blogging in hopes to create extra income through services like Adsense. Since then the blogging business has become another red ocean.

Now, let me get into the main subject.
While many people started to blog for their own good(for extra income that might not even affect your life), I've seen some people who blogs for good cause. Good cause as in donating and supporting non profit organizations. For example, Codding Horror is a blog related to computer programming skills and issues. The author of Codding Horror has made a promise to the readers that the profit made from the blog will help fund open source projects. I thought that was a really nice thing to do.

Just a minute ago, I was watching updated videos on Youtube from the channels that I subscribe. Among many, KevJumba's video was one of them. KevJumba, catagorized under comedian in Youtube has made some seriously funny videos in the past and I've been viewing his videos ever since I started watching Youtube. And the video which just got posted recently announced that he started a new channel. The channel is called the JumbaFund. The pupose of his new channel is to raise funds for the people who needs the charity the most. He says google pays money to a channel when it gains substantial amount of subscribers and viewers. He has decided to donate the money earned from that channel.

I guess his intention is very clear in that it's for pure goodness. He claims that peoples' expectations on his main channel has gone too high and that is what it's stopping him from uploading new videos. So, he's planning on uploading random stuff on the new channel JumbaFund. When considering most of the vloggers(video bloggers) in Youtube upload videos about their personal life, the new channel is not so different from other channels and he might be able to gain more viewers on his own main channel if he plans not to create the new channel. That is why I think his intention is very clear on helping out the unprivileged.

The videos might seem stupid to some people, but... it's for good cause...
Remember every view counts towards charity...

So, if you have any humanity inside you, feel free to subscribe, view or whatever...

Posted by Dansoonie

오늘 우편물 수집하러 천안에 잠시 다녀왔다...
오후에 회사에 나와봐야 할 일이 있어서... 잽싸게 우편물만 들고 왔지...
차안에서 책도 읽고 생각도 하고... 잠도 자고~

어쨌든, 우편물을 확인해보니 Google Adsense PIN이 도착했다...
이제 드디오 내가 광고 수입으로 벌어들이 $10.64를 받을 수 있게 되었다...

하지만 분명 check로 한국에 도착해서 입금하면 수수료가 더 많이 나올테니 $100이 될때까지 기다렸다 받아야겠다~

그때까지 구글이 망하지는 않겠지???
Posted by Dansoonie
여러분의 꾸준한 방문으로 구글 애드센스를 통한 광고수입이 $10.00가 되었습니다~
사용자 삽입 이미지
아직 이 금액을 지불 받을 계획은 없지만 어쨌든, 앞으로 받게될 돈이라고 생각하니 뿌듯하군요 !!!
여러분들도  구글 애드센스로 수익을 창출해 보아요...
그리고 그것을 동기삼아 블로그 활동을 열심히 해보아요~

지속적으로 방문해주시고 관심있는 광고 있으면 주저없이 클릭을 해주시기 바랍니다 !!!

(ㅡ ㅡ) (_ _)

Posted by Dansoonie
내 블로그에 AdSense를 달았다.
수입을 올리자는 기대가 전혀 없는건 아니지만, 뭐 사실 수입이 얼마나 올라가겠나???

몇일전에 결혼과 연애에 관한 글을 써서 그런지 연애 정보회사, 결혼 예단준비 광고 같은것이 나온다...

AdSense를 달기는 했지만 달기만 했지 뭐가 뭔지는 아직 잘 모르겠다...
아무튼 두고 보겠다... 수입을 얼마나 올릴 수 있을지...
Posted by Dansoonie