For Women who are into Makeup, Hair, and Fashion...
Information/Etc. :
2009. 4. 13. 22:51
Youtube 돌아다니다가 추천동영상에 이쁜 아가씨가 있길래 클릭해봤다...
화장, 머리손질, 패션에 관심있는 여성분이라면 Youtube에서 bubzbeauty를 검색해서 구독해 보면 좋을것 같다...
If you are a female, and looking for tips on makeup, doing your hair, and coordinating yourself, I would like to introduce you Bubbi. Bubbi is a Youtuber, who posts vlogs on how she does her things(makeup, hair, and fashion)...
I don't know if it's her skills or senses, or it's just her, but she is adorable !!! And she also has a funny brother... (and she owns XBox 360 !!!)
Go look for her on Youtube by the username bubzbeauty. <- or just click the link...
or just simply watch her video here and follow the link in the video, if your interested...
화장, 머리손질, 패션에 관심있는 여성분이라면 Youtube에서 bubzbeauty를 검색해서 구독해 보면 좋을것 같다...
근데 나도 구독해 버렸다...
나중에 여자친구 생기면 참고하라고 하려고(?)
음... 진실은 내 머릿속에...
If you are a female, and looking for tips on makeup, doing your hair, and coordinating yourself, I would like to introduce you Bubbi. Bubbi is a Youtuber, who posts vlogs on how she does her things(makeup, hair, and fashion)...
I don't know if it's her skills or senses, or it's just her, but she is adorable !!! And she also has a funny brother... (and she owns XBox 360 !!!)
Go look for her on Youtube by the username bubzbeauty. <- or just click the link...
or just simply watch her video here and follow the link in the video, if your interested...
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