Once in a while I read my previous posts...
To reevaluate my writing according to these criteria...

1. Can I fully understand what I was trying to say? (the context)
2. Is the information correct and trustworthy?
3. Is there any grammatic error or typo?
4. Are the sentences written in a clear fashion? Can it be clarified?

I think it's a nice habit to have for improving my writing.

Recently I found a big mistake from one of my previous posts. One from about a year ago.
In my post "Parsing Strings in C# : Tokenizing strings while Ignoring White Spaces", I wrote...
한때는 C++이 제일 편했지만, Java와 C#과 같은 C++보다는 좀더 객체지향적인 언어를 많이 사용하다보니 polymorphism같은 내용이나 여러가지 구체적이고 세부적인 C++의 내용은 상당히 많이 까먹은것 같다.
What was I thinking... Some of the readers might have interpreted as if I was saying that polymorphism cannot be achieved in Java or C#. Or maybe I really meant that at that time???

No WAY !!!

Anyway, I should fix the above as the following....
한때는 C++이 제일 편했지만, 최근에는 Java 나 C#과 같이 C++보다 객체지향 개념이 강한 언어를 선호하다보니 C++의 복잡한 문법들이 가물가물하다.
Less embarrassing... Because, I know how to achieve polymorphism.
It's just I get confused about the syntax... I won't elaborate too much on what I get confused, since it will become another embarrassment... However, believe me... I know polymorphism...

Posted by Dansoonie