'USB'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2010.02.03 Aren't We Living in the age of WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY??? 2 by Dansoonie
  2. 2010.01.24 [지름] 곰발바닥 !!! 6 by Dansoonie
Looking behind my monitor...

<Are those wires even funcioning?>

I couldn't help but think about the gap existing between the available technology and the reality... Just taking a glance at that picture, can you imagin which wire connects to what??? Wires around computers haven't been such a pain about 10 years ago... The computer itself was bulky enough to provide enough space among the wires as the space between where each wire connects to was sparsely(?) populated. And then, two things started to make the situation worse...
  1. The size of computers got smaller and smaller - All the wires started to connect to a denser area.
  2. Peripherals got cheaper and started to use USB - As peripherals got cheaper people started to own everything(this and that), and those devices used USB cables.
Now, in case of my Mac mini, the wires that connect to it forms a chaotic scene. I would like to keep the scene hidden, to make my Mac mini look more elegant, Minimalism and simplitiy are the words that go with a Mac. Not CHAOS !!! However, considering the number of devices I am using, that is impossible.

On top of this situation, there is another problem with using USB devices. I have 4 USB ports. and obviously I'm using more than 4 USB devices. So I bought a USB hub. However, some of my devices won't work or stop working if all the ports are fully occupied. My only guess is that the power supply in the Mac mini isn't capable of providing enough power through the USB ports. Therefore, I no longer use the USB hub, but switch around devices that connect to the ports as necessary. I really need an extra power supply for my USB hub. But I'm having trouble finding the right power supply for the USB hub other than a universal power supply. Since universal power supplies are kind of bulky and the connecting parts may become lose, I tend to hate it. Anyway, because I'm frequently switching between devices to connect to the USB ports, some of the wires which aren't being used are making the scene look more messy. I can't just removed them because at some point I'll be using them...

So I have become to hate wires so much !!!

Now, let me tell you about my frustration about the gap between the technologies that exist today and reality I'm feeling. As I mentioned from the title... I am wondering...

Aren't we livnig in the age of Wireless Technology???

Of course we have Bluetooth, and we have several more solutions(I'm sure about it)... Think about it... We are living in the wireless age... Today we are talking about transferring electricity without wires... Wireless technology for communication has been around for several decades and we aren't using them for basically simple and relatively trivial applications.

Here is what I am suggesting... I'm not looking for wireless power cables(this sounds weird, but you know what I mean)... All I want is peripherals capable of communicating via Bluetooth technology. Considering that most of the modern computers manufatured today are equipped with Bluetooth a receiver, a device that is capable of communicating via Bluetooth will be a great hit. Maybe a general Bluetooth unit that can be connected to a USB device to handle USB cable functionality may be great too. More specifically, a Bluetooth unit that connects to a Bluetooth receiver and automatically creates a connection to a virtual USB port... Isn't that possible?

In spite of the fact that I'm working with computers, I'm a software kind of guy and maybe I am lacking some understanding of the Bluetooth technology. However, it doesn't seem impossible, does it?

Let me check again...
Are we not living in the age of wireless technology??? 

Posted by Dansoonie
요근래 많이 추웠죠??? 요새는 좀 날이 풀리긴 했지만, 또 추워진다죠???

회사에서 허리 위로는 그나마 좀 참을수 있는데, 허리 아래쪽이 너무 추웠습니다. 그거 아시죠??? 공기의 대류 현상... 뜨거운 공기는 위로 차가운 공기는 아래로 !!!!

회사에서 발이 너무 시렵다는 여론이 모아져 곰발바닥 공구가 이루어져서 저도 참여했습니다.

그냥 곰발바닥이 아닙니다 !!!
그렇다고 해서 몸보신용 곰발바닥도 아닙니다 !!!
USB 온열 곰발바닥입니다 !!!

<진공팩(?)에 들어가 있는 곰발바닥>

곰발바닥은 이렇게 비닐에 싸여왔습니다. 비닐에 공기가 들어가 있어서 별로 진공포장 같지 않았는데, 설명서에 보니 진공포장이라고 합니다... 

USB 단자를 사용해 전원을 공급받아 열을 내는 이 온열 곰발바닥!!! 추운 사무실에서 일하고 있는 당신이라면 꼭 겟해야 하는 제품!!!

뜯어서 일단 발에 착용을 했습니다. 그리고 컴퓨터의 USB 단자에 연결을 하니 갑자기 뜨끈 뜨끈... 

하지만, 열이 가해지는 부분이 워낙 좁아서, 효과는 극히 국지적으로 일어나기 때문에, 곰발바닥 쿠션 안에서 발을 잘 모아야 합니다. 그래도 발이 따뜻하니 만족...

하지만, 사용자 설명서에 한자가 많은 것으로 봐서 원산지는 바로
中國 !!!
그리고 어이 없는 사용자 설명서 입니다...
  • 일단 진공포장 같지도 않은 진공 포장을 진공 포장이라고 했습니다.
  • 그리고 여름에는 베개로 사용하라고 합니다. 

<사용자 설명서>

Posted by Dansoonie