'David Choi'에 해당되는 글 24건

  1. 2008.10.30 David Choi's Music on Korean TV Campaign 1 by Dansoonie
  2. 2008.10.29 Response from David by Dansoonie
  3. 2008.10.29 David Choi's Album by Dansoonie
  4. 2008.10.09 A Talented Musician Spotted on Youtube by Dansoonie
흠... 최근에 David Choi에 대한 글을 몇개 영문 post로 올렸었는데, 이번에는 좀 성의를 들여서 David Choi를 소개해 보도록 하겠다...

나도 자세한 사정은 잘 모르지만, David Choi는 Youtube에서 음악활동을 하면서 어느정도 유명세를 타고 있다. Youtube의 다른 음악가들과 Youtube partner들과 긴밀한 관계를 유지 하면서 왕성하게 활동하고 있다.

음악적 활동도 활발하게 하고 있을 뿐만 아니라, 그냥 온라인 커뮤니티 상에서 여러 사람과 공동으로 이벤트를 기획하여 많은 사람들에게 재미를 주고 있다. 어쨌든, 우연히 David Choi의 비디오를 발견하게 되었고, 그 후로 David Choi의 Youtube channel에서 그의 음악과 여러가지 재미있는 영상을 감상하는 팬이 되었다. 그러던 중에 음반을 발표하게 되었다고 하였고, 그저께 앨범을 사기로 마음먹었다.

처음에는 iTunes로 구입하려고 했으나, CD로 구입하고 싶어졌다...
Nationality가 Korean이라고 밝힌 그가, 진짜로 한국 국민인지, 그냥 한국 사람인지는 모르겠지만, 어쨌든, 같은 한국인으로써 묘한 매력이 느껴졌다... 그의 인생에 있어서 앨범 발표는 매우 중요한 순간일테고 그 순간의 일부분이 되고 싶었다... 앨범 매출을 올려줌으로써 말이다...

그래서 어제 밤에 CD를 구매하면 한국으로 보내줄 수 있냐고 묻는 이메일을 보냈고, 아울러 싸인까지 해줄 수 없겠냐고 물어봤다... 그랬더니 흔쾌히 그렇게 해주겠다고 승낙해줬다... ㅎㅎㅎ
그래서 나름 신이 났던 것이다.... 회사에서 퇴근하기 전에 잠시 그의 Youtube channel을 방문했는데 새로운 사실을 알게 되었다...

Who would have known that the song from energy saving TV campaign was David Choi's
(우리나라에서 방영되고 있는 에너지 절약 TV 캠페인에 나온 노래가 David Choi의 노래였을줄 얼마나 많은 사람들이 알고 있었을까?)

Maybe he's quite popular already and I didn't know...
(그는 이미 내가 생각했더것 보다 많이 유명한가보다)

Wow !!! Think about it...
(와우!!! 근데 생각해봐라)

I wrote this buddy a email yesterday, and got a response this morning.
And remember, he promised to sign his CD for me... Yay ~
(나는 그와 이메일도 주고 받았고, 그가 직접 친필 싸인 CD를 보내주기로 약속했다... 신난다~)

아직 그의 Youtube channel을 방문해 보지 않은 사람들을 위해서 다시 링크를 걸어놓음...

그리고 그와 관련된 지난 post들....

Posted by Dansoonie

Response from David

My Life/일상 : 2008. 10. 29. 20:15
Update on the purchase plan of David Choi's new Album  (Only You)!!!
I got a quick and short response from David this morning. Work has been keeping me from writing this post about it all day but here I go now. David turns out to be very kind guy. He thanked me for the kind words I wrote to him, and agreed to sign the CD !!! Which implies that he ships internationally...

Kind of all excited about it since I'll receive a Youtube celeb(?)'s CD with his autograph on it !!! I have sent him an email about the order I made and the shipping address to Korea...

I just can't wait to receive it~
Meanwhile, I'll have to hang on to Youtube...

And talking about Youtube...
I found out that I don't have a link to David Choi's Youtube channel...
For those of you who were just to lazy to look up davidchoi on Youtube...
Here it is... <- click it...

Posted by Dansoonie
Recently I have written a post about a talented Youtuber. David Choi was him, and I made my point clear how fascinating he is. He is a song writer and a singer.

His songs are hilarious but not cheap. The melody is very catchy. His voice is great.

Anyway... Did I mention that his album was coming out soon?
Well, it's out already now...

At first, I was planning to buy his album on iTunes. But now I changed my mind and decided to go for the physical CD. The physical CD can be ordered from his myspace. The CD costs $10 + shipping. I've tried to purchase one, but the shipping calculator only offered zipcodes within the US.


I actually wrote David an email to ask if he can ship internationally. And also asked him an additional favor. I requested him to have the CD autographed... am I being silly???

We'll see how he responds to my mail... I'll give an update as soon as I get a reply.

'My Life > 지름의 유혹' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by Dansoonie
Recently I have been Youtubing a lot... Youtubing??? <- is that the right expression???
I have spotted someone who creates great video....
This guy, named David Choi writes his own music(song).
Some videos are like simple recordings of him singing his songs...
and some are like music videos...

It's kind of cool to find people on the Internet with great talent...
You just randomly surf the web without expecting so much, and finally at some point find someone interesting among bunch of uninteresting people !!!

I personally think he looks decent, and it seems like most girls think he's cute...
Has a great voice, and his songs are just great !!!
Nice to listen, some are funny...

Check his website, myspace, youtube, facebook, twitter pages...

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Posted by Dansoonie