'Starbucks'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2012.05.22 I've grown another habit... 2 by Dansoonie
  2. 2010.04.15 Making a Difference at Starbucks... 2 by Dansoonie

I have grown a new habit during the past few days. This may sound really gay for my Korean friends, but I have started to come to Starbucks to get things done like studying new technology and do some reading. Because Starbucks in Korea is always crowded and noisy it seemed to be a stupid idea, but I found Starbucks to be a perfect place to get things done over the weekend when my parents and grandma visited. As a matter of fact, I'm at Starbucks right now...

My place isn't that small for myself, but it could get really overcrowded with 3 more people plus our pet Dori. My mom would watch drama from my now not-so-beautiful 40 inch LED TV. But since my parents own a TV from a decade ago, they seem to be very impressed with my TV set. Anyway, for that reason, my mom will watch a drama most of the time she stays. Dad will do his usual Chinese studies, and grandma will do whatever she feels like. In this environment, I can hardly do anything. But usually I stay home and try to be with my parents and play with my pet dog. However, I have a presentation to give to my colleagues this week, so I needed to get some work done. So I escaped and started to come to Starbucks.

Yes, Starbucks is overly crowded and noisy during the daytime and early evening, but something has changed. Since last winter I own a new pair of kernel type earphones which can be shoved deep inside my ears preventing most of the noise reaching my eardrum. And if I start listening to Mozart, the noise has almost no affect on me. I can still hear some noise, but its just random noise that I will never be able to interpret. Almost like random white noise. So, the noise problem has been solved.

And there's more to doing things at Starbucks. Since you are at a public place there are a lot of eyes on you. I doubt anybody will pay attention to me, but still... There are some people studying or doing work like me and those people can be motivating. Also, with all the other people who are enjoying their time around me makes me feel that I'm using my time more wisely.Thus making me proud. Silly but true story. So I cannot slack off.

I now seem to understand why some people like to spend their time in a cafe. I've been in Starbucks like about total of 6 hours since the weekend, and I've been really productive. There are only a couple downsides to this habit. One is that I have to buy a drink. Maybe I don't have to, but I feel more comfortable. And doing this alone makes it really hard to have bathroom breaks. Not that I've stayed in Starbucks that long up until now, but someday I will be worrying that my laptop would get stolen while I have a bathroom break. Anyway, if I can spend my time efficiently, a cup of iced tazo chai tea latte every night might be worth it...

And one more thing... which might sound super GAY...

I need company to drink frappuccino with. 

Posted by Dansoonie
오늘 Starbucks에서 전 세계적으로 이벤트를 실시했습니다... 일명 Making a Difference라고 하여, 나무를 사랑하자는 취지에서 매장에 텀블러를 가지고 오면 종이컵 소비를 줄일 수 있는 댓가로 커피를 무료로 한잔 준다는 친환경 녹색 행사였습니다...

<Facebook의 Starbucks page에 올라온 이벤트 설명>

그래서 회사에서 우리팀은 오늘 주간업무 보고 회의를 스타벅스에 가서 했습니다... 게다가 오늘은 회사 창립기념 선물 3탄으로 텀블러가 도착해서 각자 공짜로 받은 텀블러를 들고 스타벅스로 갔습니다~

참고로 창립기념 선물 1탄은 얼리몰 쇼핑 20만원 지원금, 2탄은 회사 로고 새겨진 연필과 필통 이었습니다...

<우리팀 전원 각자의 텀블러에 공짜로 받은 커피>

<내 연두색 텀블러에 받은 공짜 커피>

특별히 제 텀블러에 받은 커피는 따로 독사진... 

Starbucks가 여러가지로 악덕회사라는 소리를 듣지만, 가끔 보면 의미있는 행사를 하는것 같습니다... 딱히 과거에는 무슨 행사를 했는지 기억은 잘 나지 않지만 말이죠... 이렇게 한번의 이벤트로 회사 이미지를 바꿀 수 있다니 대단한 전략인것 같기도 합니다... 그렇게 따지면, 이번 이벤트는 꽤나 성공적이라고 말할 수 있겠네요...

Starbucks 덕분에 오늘 주간업무 보고 회의는 오손도손 커피숍에서 잘 마쳤습니다...

그리고 커피 맛에 대해서 한마디 하자면...
예전에는 잘 몰랐는데, 지금 다니는 회사로 옮기면서 매일 에스프레쏘 기계에 커피를 뽑아먹다보니 스타먹스 커피가 사실은 맛이 없다는것을 깨달았습니다... 물론 개인 취향의 차이 때문이 저만 그럴 수도 있겠지만, 개인적으로는 이런 맛없는 커피를 비싼 가격을 주고 사먹어야 하나 싶더랍니다... 혹시 공짜커피 이벤트 때문에 저질 원두커피를 준비해 두었나 싶기도 합니다...

Posted by Dansoonie