About relationships...

My Life/일상 : 2012. 5. 23. 01:15

Once again, I went to Starbucks again in my attempt to use my time more productively. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my earphones that I could shove into my ears to keep me away from distraction. Could have gone back home for my earphones as the Starbucks I usually go to is right in front of my place. However, I just thought I could give it a try spending my time without my earphones. Besides, I have this sucky earphone that came with the Galaxy Player.

Anyway, I failed. Although my sucky pair of earphones are also kernel type earphones, the surrounding noise seem to have no problem penetrating the rubber stuffed in my ear. So I was able to listen to a group of women about my age having a chat about their relationships (with men).

Since I was reading something I wasn't able to pay full attention to all of their conversation (and it's also rude to secretly overhear others talk) but I heard a great deal of disappointment they have about their significant other or maybe just boy friend because they all each said something like "if I were to marry him" at some point in their conversation.

Honestly, I hardly know about women and I suck at understanding them. If i had a relationship with someone if I really cared about, eventually I'll try to do anything for her including trying to listen and adjust to her. I know it won't be easy after all because I'll probably never understand them, but at least I'll try. All they would have to do is just tell me what's wrong and I'll tell her why I did such a thing that made her upset.

My point here is that when there is something unsatisfying about your relationship you should talk it through with the person you are having a relationship with. If you are in a healthy relationship either one of you or both will be adjusting to the person you really care about. Talking about the person you care about on his or her back will probably lead to something ugly. Sometimes you may get frustrated because your partner may not adjust to you as you have expected and all the talking the problem through together may not seem to be working. But that is when you have to step aside and try to adjust to the person you care about. If you really care.

On my recent attempt to pursue a relationship didn't work out quite well, but I've learned that fondness does not result from the similarities you have with another. It's the fondness you have towards another that makes you want to adjust to that person. If you have become fond of someone you should be able to adjust to that person. Probably not always, but isn't that how love is supposed to work? If you can't you might as well break up. But please don't use the word break up to threaten the person you care about to adjust to you. Just say it when you really mean to do so.

People say that I am looking for an ideal relationship and that is because I never had a serious relationship before (I'm just really careful about picking the right woman). People say that relationship between men and women just don't work out the way I say it should. But I'm ready to make it work. I just need to find the right woman... Let's see if I change my mind later...

Posted by Dansoonie