'Britney Spears'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2008.11.20 Boa makes her USA debut with "Eat You Up" 2 by Dansoonie
I found out that Boa made her debut in the United States with her single album 
"Eat You Up"

First impression on this music video???
It's weird... Not weird weird... but just weird...
In other words, something doesn't seem right...

Doesn't feel like Pop(US), nor does it feel like J-Pop or K-Pop...
Or I'd rather say everything(the music itself, the music video, and the choreography) is just a mixture of everything(the feel of Pop, J-Pop, and K-Pop)...
But I can feel J-Pop the most from it...
Maybe because the original version is J-Pop??? dunno for sure...

However, the feel of the music closely resembles that of Britney Spears -- Maybe the style of the music is a trend???
It's kind of funny that I felt that way because I thought Britney Spears is catching up with or imitating Modona's style when I first watched her "Womanizer" music video,...

Anyway, more thoughts about Boa's "Eat You Up"...
The rap sounds rather too Korean, or Japanese... I don't know why... but it doesn't sound like American(English) rap... I'm not saying that the rap is not understandable, but the way how she speaks it out doesn't make it sound like Pop...
Basically, I think the American's will say that it sounds kinda funny... or exotic???
(I would like to listen to your opinion if you are from a country where English is the official spoken language)
The music video scenes are very corny...
The atmosphere of the music sounds very close to J-Pop, but I can see that they tried very hard to target the US market... But I think they didn' do it right...

So, my opinion is that this album failed to target the potential (US) fans...

We'll see how things go for her... You never know how things will turn out...

I personally want to listen to Britney Spears sing the song "Eat You Up"...
I think she would do a much better job...

Posted by Dansoonie